Concentration Area: Political Institutions and Public Policies 

It aims to reflect upon contemporary democratic theories, with the empirical analysis centered on the processes of representation in political institutions around: parties, elections and political recruitment and political-electoral behavior; legislative and parliamentary production; executive and processes of government formation and performance in the management of public policies; the policy process in international relations; the gender issue; social movements; the political culture.


Research Line:

Democracy and Political Representation


Alberto Luiz Teixeira da Silva

Research Program: International Relations and Global Environmental Governance

Objectives: This research program’s objective is to study and discuss, based on the theoretical support of contemporary international relations and the changes promoted by multidimensional globalization, the transitions to a low carbon economy, energy efficiency and governance of public goods. In short, we propose the reflection upon complex issues that conform the agenda of global environmental governance such as climate change, energy, water, socio-biodiversity, among other issues aimed at promoting responsible and sustainable public policies.

Syllabus: Contemporary international relations. Capitalism and global change. 

Paradigmatic Transitions: Low Carbon Economy, Renewable Sources and Energy Efficiency. Public governance and sustainable multidimensional development. Climate, energy, water resources and forestry.

Objects, research topics: 1) Geopolitics, international regimes and climate change governance; 2) Climate governance of cities; 3) Regulation and governance of water resources; 4) Energy governance; 5) Solid waste public policy and governance; 6) Regional and global security; 7) Sustainable development, science, technology and innovation; 8) Amazon, global changes and low carbon economy.


Bruno de Castro Rubiatti

Research Program: Political Institutions and Legislative Studies in Latin America

Objectives: To analyze the institutional regimes of the Latin American countries and their impacts on the functioning of the legislatures of the subcontinent, encompassing both comparative studies and case studies.

Mention: Institutional Regimes in Latin America, Parliamentary Behavior, Executive and Legislative Relations in Latin American Countries,

Objects, research topics: 1) Political Institutions in Latin America. 2) Latin American Party and Electoral Systems and their impact on parliamentary behavior. 3) Parliamentary Organization and Behavior. 4) Control capacity of Latin American legislators. 5) The Legislative in the decision-making process. 6) Latin American bicameral systems. 7) Relationship between the Executive and the Legislative. 8) Government Systems in Latin America. 9) Federalism and territorial representation in Latin American countries.


Carlos Augusto da Silva Souza

Research Program: Democracy, Participation and Political Institutions

Objectives: To develop studies on the functioning of democratic institutions in Brazil, evidencing the participation and influence of political actors, both within the electoral and party system and in the relationship between the executive and legislative branches.

Syllabus: Geography of the vote; Participation and political representation, electoral behavior; party coalitions; political clientelism, budget amendments, political recruitment, re-election and parliamentary renewal, campaign financing, advertising, and election campaigning.

Objects, research topics: 1) Evaluate the party system and party strength at the local, national and state levels; 2) Analyze the geography of the vote in the legislative and executive elections; 3) To understand the process of Participation and the behavior of the voter in the legislative and executive elections; 4) To study the process of formation and performance of the coalitions in the electoral process; 5) Identify the participation of relevant social groups in the formation of political power as: indigenous, black, religious, and etc .; 6) To verify the mechanisms of recruitment and formation of leaderships in the electoral and partisan sphere; 7) Evaluate the reelections and parliamentary renewal verified in the electoral process; 8) Analyze the formation of income and expenses of electoral campaigns and the process of accountability by the political elite.


Edir Veiga Siqueira

Research Program: The Democratic State of Law: Electoral and Partisan Systems. System of Government and Relations System of Government and Executive-Legislative Relations.

Objectives: To verify the interface between the design of the electoral system and its repercussion of the institutional design of the party system. How electoral systems drive the fragmentation or not of partisan systems. The correlation between electoral partisan systems and parliamentary partisan systems. Electoral systems, personalized vote and open and closed lists.

Mandatory vote and its interface with electoral abstentions, blank and spoiled vote. Electoral results and justice. Executive Power, Legislative Power and decision making public policies. Brazilian politics, Paraense and national and state political thought.

Syllabus: The design of the political institutions of the Democratic State of Law. Elections and electoral systems. Parties and party systems. Vote and vote theories. Governance systems. Forms of State. Forms of government. Public policy theories and decision making. Judiciary and the political system. Interface between state, national and international political thinking.

Objects, research topics: 1) Designs and formats of electoral and parliamentary party systems. Design and format of the municipal, state and federal legislative powers; 2) The design of relations between executive and legislative powers at the national, subnational and interstate levels; 3) Judicial and electoral competition in comparative perspective at subnational and inter-state level; 4) Executive, legislative and decision-making in public policies; 5) Electoral competition and voting theories; 6) Electoral, partisan and political history competition; 7) Clashes of political projects and political thought; 8) Evaluation of governments and political debates based on the theories that explain the foundation of the Brazilian State.


Edval Bernardino Campos

Research Program: Analysis Group of Public Policies and Social Policies in the Amazon (GAPSA)


Syllabus: Investigate the area of Public and Social Policies developed in the Amazon Region, particularly in the State of Pará. This group’s main focus is to investigate the relationship between the State and Civil Society, through the analysis of planning and execution of public policies aimed at the Amazon population. In this way, it is also intended to elaborate knowledge that can collaborate in the diagnosis, evaluation and proposal of public and social policies for the Region.

Objects, themes, research: 1) Analysis of Public Policies and Social Policies in particular; 2) Participatory Management of Public Policies; 3) Territorial Governance in the perspective of Government actions; 4) Social Control over the scope of Civil Society; 5) Participation and Representativeness in the Perspective of Participative Democracy; 6) Decentralization as a political process; 7) Local Power as an instance of governmental action.


Eugênia Rosa Cabral

Research program: Patterns of Executive-Legislative Interaction-Groups of Interest, in specific institutional contexts: comparative perspective, national and international.

Objectives: To analyze the role of institutions as a determinant factor in the configuration of the relationship patterns between the executive, the legislature and interest groups, more specifically business groups, with emphasis on the implications of these patterns of interaction in legislative production and in decision making processes concerning policies of development. From the theoretical framework known as the Variety of Capitalism, it is intended to analyze the State and its relationship with interest groups as an integral part of a given productive regime, within a broader institutional framework that defines rules, values, incentives and constraints that condition the performance of different actors. The research should preferably have a comparative scope, nationally and internationally.

Syllabus: Interaction pattern between executive, legislative and interest groups; decision-making processes of public policies; legislative production; lobbying as a form of political representation; institutional rules as a determining factor of interaction patterns; the role of the State in the coordination and regulation of the market.

Objects, research themes: 1) Legislative production and decision-making processes on transport infrastructure projects, ports, electricity and telecommunications with significant environmental impact; 2) Legislative production and decision-making processes on environmental standards, biosafety and global warming; 3) Lobby as a representation of interests, within the scope of the National Congress, in the current democratic context. 4) Interaction Patterns between Executive, Legislative and Interest Groups in rules production processes.


Maria Dolores Lima da Silva

Research Program: Representation, Institutions and Political Behavior.

Objectives: To analyze political behaviors within institutions of the Brazilian political system, especially the national, state and municipal Legislative Branch. The intention is to produce reflections about the exercise of political representation within the limits of institutional rules, as well as identify social demands, translated by political actors in the exercise of the activities delegated to them by citizens.

Syllabus: Study about demands for public policies in the Legislative; Identification and comparison of institutional rules; Study about the role of the Executive and Legislative powers in the elaboration of public policies.

Objects, themes, research: 1) Institutional drawings of local legislatures; 2) Legislative production on the environment; 3) Legislative production on health, education and culture; 4) Industrial and commercial policies of environmental impact; 5) Accountability of representative mandates.


Marise Rocha Morbach

Research Program: Media and Political Sociability

Objectives: To analyze the theoretical and empirical problems brought to the politics field with the advent of the media. To know the historical contexts in which the relations between the media and the politics are determinant to the stability of the representative democracies. To analyze the social categories that structure the studies on the Public Opinion: motivations and perceptions in relation to the means. To study the transformations of the representation and the reach of the media on the processes of "public choice". Map the political culture in the media seeking to describe typologies. To study the interfaces of ethics, communication and politics in the media in the production of "social bonds" and "ruptures of sociability". Describe the kinds of sociability of political institutions and political agents in the media and in virtual environments.

Syllabus: Study of contemporary political theories in which political sociability is permeated by information and media technologies and whose field of analysis analyzes the information about the particular and internal space of politics (parties, candidatures, electoral rules, representatives, represented, etc.). On political behavior and the institutionalization of political practices and values. Study about the changes in political sociability brought about by virtual means in public deliberation and in the formation of "wills": common sense; institutionalization of practices, etc. Analysis of social practices in their relations with the media about the elaboration and diffusion of political repertories: their effects and constraints.

Objects, research themes: 1) Forms of political representation: how power is distributed in the media environment and virtual between representatives and represented; between institutions and agents; etc; 2) Communication structures and political repertories in the contemporary Amazon: media socialities and virtual sociabilities; 3) The forms of manifestation and association of interests in the political behavior of the media and its interfaces with ethics and culture; 4) Political personification and institutional change in the media environment; 5) Political sociability in online social networks: political culture and common sense; 6) Change and pattern of representation of interests in online sociability.


Concentration Area: Political Theory and Methods

It will develop studies from the conceptual and philosophical point of view of classical and contemporary theories, combining a broad spectrum of themes through categories such as: the public and the private in the context of modernity; criticism of the tradition of Western political thought; religious criticism; theories of state, state and civil society; democratic theory.


Research line:

Fundamentals of Political Theory and Methods


Bárbara Lou da Costa Veloso Dias

Research Program: Political Philosophy, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Social Standardization.

Objectives: This program has the following objectives: a) To study and develop projects on political philosophy (Ancient, Modern and Contemporary) - authors and schools of thought. b) Study and develop projects on the diagnoses presented by critical theorists, for example Habermas and the instrumentality thesis of communicative reason or Honneth and the diagnosis of suffering by indetermination and its prognosis reflected in institutional models. c) To develop a philosophical political reflection and projects on the possibilities of normative reinvention of theories on the representation of sovereignty, popular will and constituent power. d) Analyze and develop model projects that seek to rethink new forms of political representation and the exercise of social standardization (Butller and Zizek).

Syllabus: Political theory of classical antiquity. Modern political theory. Contemporary political theory. Critical theory. Social emancipation. Rationality. Modernity. Deliberation. Facticity. Validity. Theory of recognition. Suffering for indeterminacy. Sovereignty as will and representation. Democracy. Representation. Liberalism. Social normativity.

Objects, research topics: 1) Political normative theories of classical antiquity, modernity and contemporaneity and their social diagnostics and institutional prognoses; 2) Critical theory, its aporias and possibilities of normative political reinvention of modernity; 3) New ways of producing a republican policy on the common good at the expense of the notion of public policies. 4) Neoliberalism as a process of radicalization of the matrix of modernization and excess of social determination.

Research Program: Judicial Institutions and Access to Justice and Citizenship

Objectives: This program has the following objectives: To study and develop projects on the judiciary and its relation with the other two powers (executive and legislative) in order to carry out a more comprehensive analysis on the politics of the local and national judicial administration. Study and develop projects on the contribution of the Supreme Court and constitutionality control for the stability of coalition presidentialism. To study and develop projects on the dispositional (Bourdieu and Lahirer) social formation of judges and judicial elites in the sense of forming a specific professional body. Analyze and develop projects on the relationship and role of the judiciary with the Brazilian State. Analyze and develop projects on the phenomenon of judicialization as a consequence of the process of moralization of politics and neoliberalism.

Syllabus: Judicial political administration. Constitutionality Control. STF. Executive-legislative and judicial relationship. Coalition presidentialism. Dispositional sociology and the professional training of judicial actors. The role of the judiciary in the formation of the Brazilian State. Judiciary. Moralization of politics. Neoliberalism.

Objects, research themes: 1) The political administration of judicial institutions; 2) The training and the dispositions of the professional body that acts in the judicial institutions; 3) Judicial elites and their relationship with the judicial administration; 4) The relationship of the judiciary with the structural and functional formation of the Brazilian State; 5) Judicialization of politics as an expression of the excess of determination of social normativity and result of the process of political moralization; 6) Neoliberalism and the new type of jurisdiction.


Celso Antônio Coelho Vaz

Program of Research: Normative Principles, Institutional Drawings and Political Participation.

Objectives: To study modern and contemporary political theories, in their normative principles, their institutional and participatory designs. From the normative perspective, reflection on reality and its projection on a duty to be around values of freedom, equality and of justice. From a descriptive perspective, these values are sought for their institutionalization in the public sphere of the state and civil society. Normative principles, and institutional and participatory designs will be understood in an undissociated way, as well as through identities and rivalries between political theories.

Syllabus: Study about modern and contemporary political theories and their contributions to the construction of paradigms of the social contract, in its normative, institutional and participatory aspects, both within the sphere of civil society and in the State.

Objects, research themes: 1) Modern normative political theory and political liberalism; 2) Normative political theory and socialism; 3) Contemporary normative political theory and political neoliberalism, neo-socialism, communitarianism, multiculturalism and recognition theory.

Research Program: Access to justice: Society, politics and institutions of justice.

Objective: The objective of this research program is to carry out research on the access to justice of theoretical perspectives and models of empirical analysis of Political Science. It seeks to understand access to justice through relations between civil society, the executive branch, the legislature and the institutions of the justice system, public and civil society. In broad sense, these relations will be approached from the perspective of the public administration of justice, in its aspects, normative, organizational, administrative, budgetary, fiscal, tax and behavioral. In the sphere of governmental justice institutions, these aspects will be addressed with emphasis on intra-governmental relations, that is, within the system of state judicial institutions and within the intergovernmental framework from the perspective of relations between these institutions and the executive, legislative power. The focus of civil society justice institutions is to understand their relationship with governmental justice institutions and with the executive and legislative branches of justice, equality and freedom.

Syllabus: Governmental and civil society justice institutions and access to justice. Public administration of justice in the normative, organizational, administrative, budget, tax, and behavioral dimension. Judicial governance and intra-governmental relations and controls. Judicial governance and intergovernmental relations with the executive and the legislature. Civil society justice organizations and the government justice system. Civil society justice organizations and the executive and legislative branches. Courts and governance of labor, electoral and fiscal justice. Court decision standards. Judicialization of politics. Politicization of the judiciary. Judicial Protagonism.

Objects, themes, research: 1) Governmental and civil society justice institutions and access to justice; 2) Public management of justice in the normative, organizational, administrative, budget, tax, behavioral and public dimension; 3) Judicial governance and intra-governmental relations and controls; 4) Judicial governance and intergovernmental relations with the executive and the legislature; 5) Civil society justice organizations and the governmental justice system; 6) Civil society justice organizations and the executive and legislative branches; 7) Courts and governance of labor, electoral and fiscal justice; 8) Court decision standards; 9) Judicialization of politics; 10) Politicization of the judiciary; 11) Judicial Protagonism.


Daniel Chaves de Brito

Research Program: Political Theory, Issues of Theoretical and Epistemological Construction of Political Thinking in Modernity.

Objectives: The aim of this program is to develop a study of contemporary political theory, trying to understand how conceptions of classical antiquity reappear within contemporary social and political thinking, such as skepticism and cynicism. In this context, the study aims to decant the categories of political philosophical thought that go through the construction of analytical and theoretical frameworks, which attempt to renew the explanation of the crisis of the modern State, of the conflicts that involve the global society, and in general its impact on specific national formations (Nation State). The focus, which integrates the analytical effort of understanding the unfolding of current political phenomena, aims to problematize the role of violence and security as parameters of civilizational practices in modernity.

Syllabus: The study of the notion of biopolitics developed by Michel Foucault and the studies of Giorgio Agamben on Sovereign Power and Homo Sacer. Following there is the theory of the immunizations of Roberto Esposito and his policies of protection (security) and denial of life. It concludes with the presentation of the theory of antropotécnica (“Anthropotechnik” em alemão) and the crisis of humanism of Peter Sloterdijk.

Objects and research themes: 1) Biopolitics as technology of governmentality; 2) Biopower and the sovereign as elements of political violence and the state of exception; 3) Safety and immunization as parameters of civilizing practices; 4) Violence and security in the context of the denial of life, of the Anthropotechnic as a crisis of humanism; 5) The nation state crisis, conflicts and global security and violence as a civilizing practice.


Luís Fernando Cardoso e Cardoso

Objectives: Traditional populations, through social movements, have an agenda for the struggle for social rights defined according to their assessments regarding the political possibilities of conquering them. In this way, they have fought for a long time, and some struggle, to secure the right to land, in order to guarantee the reproduction of material life. The groups that reached their demands, soon formulated other demands on which they begin to organize politically. In this movement, a portion of the traditional populations today have as a banner of struggle the formulation of public policies linked to their ethnic-racial and cultural specificities, in the areas that seem to them most urgent. Therefore, with this research program, it is investigated how the public policies related to production, health and education reach the traditional populations, and what their real effects for the citizenship of the rural population in Brazil.

Syllabus: Public policy studies on traditional populations will follow the matrix of decolonial thinking, with authors such as Enrique Dussel, Anibal Quijano, Walter Mignolo, Nelson Maldonado-Torres. With the heirs of critical theorist Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth, we will examine the political and social organization of traditional populations and their struggles for recognition and distribution. These two axes will be fed by other authors, who will compose the analytical framework of this research program.

Note: The two Concentration areas were designed to articulate, since one subsidizes the other in methodological, conceptual and empirical terms.